Project Warm Distribution: The Winter Coat Drive sponsored by Rotary Club of West Liberty will be held at St. Joseph’s West Liberty on Saturday, November 18, 9am-5pm; Sunday, November 19, 1:20-6pm, Monday, November 20, 2-7pm, Tuesday, November 22, 2-6 pm. AN APPOINTMENT is required, send Fathér Guillermo Treviño Jr. a message or call St. Joseph’s 319-627-2229 and leave a message, to get called back. Must live in the West Liberty Community School District to receive coats.
Please let President Ken know if you can help any of the days of distribution and times
Friday noon club, or the "Lunch Bunch" will meet at @ Liberty Public House (LPH), starting at 12:00pm.
A note from Chair Cliff McFerren: "The Lunch Bunch has been having great attendance. We have been averaging 12 members per week. Therefore, I will be getting food for 12-14 members and guests. Instead of letting me know you are coming, just let me know if you will NOT be attending by Thursday noonish. Everyone is welcome and it is great to see so many enjoying the fellowship and exchanging "what's happening" in West Liberty."
Dates are as follows:
December 1st
December 8th - 100 Year Project will be discussed
December 15th
100 Year Project update:
Ken Brooks has an update of the following for the 100 year project. The Ball Drop fundraiser is to be coordinated with when the Football Field & Athletic Complex is opening up next fall. Also there will be a Spring Fundraiser towards the 100 year which is a Murder Mystery Progressive Dinner that Allie Paarsmith is heading up. Anyone wanting help more with the Spring Fundraiser please get with Allie Paarsmith. Next meeting will be set for Friday December 8th to discuss more details on upcoming project
Come join for the club's Christmas Party that will take place on Thursday December 7th.
Please RSVP to Ken Brooks by Friday December 1st if you are able to attend
New Membership Application - Mark Smith
Greetings, Members of the Rotary Club of West Liberty.
Thursday November 16th, our Rotary club board voted to approve proposal(s) that our membership accept the following people as a new member(s) of our club:
Mark Smith
If anyone has an objection to Mark Smith having a membership in our club, please communicate with President Ken Brooks .
If no written objection is received within 7 days, Mark Smith will be considered as having been elected to membership for the Rotary Club of West Liberty and an announcement will be made via a the club newsletter as well as a small membership induction ceremony will happen at an upcoming meeting.
In service,
Rotary Club of West Liberty, Iowa
PO Box 301
West Liberty, IA 52776
Membership Spotlight..... Meet Wayne Steen
When did you join rotary
I joined Rotary in 2012.
Why did you join rotary
I was a full-time caretaker for my parents who both had dementia. After they died, I knew I had to get back into society. I asked Ken Donnelly how someone joins Rotary? I actually asked to join Rotary!
What is your favorite rotary memory
My experiences as a Board Chairperson, Conference Chairperson and Rotarian Volunteer at Iowa RYLA have been life changing, enhancing and very rewarding. I could talk about Iowa RYLA for hours! Our high school youth are our future!
What is your favorite WL memory
The times of my youth when I spent days outside with my friends Jim Carey, Bruce Brooke, Ron Kline, Bob Owen Kent Jehle and Jim Kotouc were the best of times. It was a care-free time and we had loads of fun and laughs. We enjoyed hanging out with each other!
Where do you see rotary in next 3-5 years
I hope we can continue to attract younger members to Rotary and to bring more Latinos into the club. I hope Rotary will continue to be the catalyst for positive change and growth in West Liberty. I hope we can continue to grow Iowa RYLA and Interact participation throughout the state.
Iowa RYLA 2022: Jasmine Sanasinh (Team Leader) and Wayne Steen (Rotation Volunteer).
West Liberty Rotary Chicken BBQ with Wayne Steen and Mark Ruggeberg (Rotarian from Iowa City Downtown club).
2023 Rotary Leadership Institute: Steve Wieneke, Loring Miller, Mike Ruby, Marie Pipes and Wayne Steen.
Rotary Foundation Minute 11/13/2023
Week 2 of RI’s Foundation Month.
This week’s FM is from the message of TRF’s Trustee Chair, Barry Rassin published in the latest edition of Rotary Magazine. In a nutshell, Rassin celebrates “The Rotary Foundation: one of the world’s best humanitarian organizations,” and highlights “the magnitude of our impact.”
“…we have a lot of work in progress through the Foundation. Polio eradication is changing the world, one drop of vaccine at a time. Rotary Peace Centers are training peacebuilders to reduce violence and resolve conflict. And through Foundation global and district grants, we are improving lives in a real way. The way we work also sets us apart. We have global reach, with more than 48,000 field offices in the form of Rotary and Rotaract clubs. We emphasize good stewardship of your funds and efficient implementation of your projects. And we always aim for sustainable solutions. During the 2022-23 Rotary year, the Foundation awarded 1098 Global Grants…Our district supported a Global Grant project that focused on basic education and literacy in Malawi, where we helped train 38 teachers who are responsible for 4,000 students. We also built two toilets and installed a pump, so they had water for drinking and hand washing…When Esther and I visited the school, a young boy pointed to my Rotary pin, recognizing it from other volunteers who wore their pins during the project. He said, ‘I know you helped me. I won’t be able to travel to thank the others who helped me, so please thank them for me.’ So, thank you, Rotary, on behalf of a child in Malawi whose future you made a little brighter, and on behalf of thousands of others you have helped by supporting The Rotary Foundation.”
(Barry Rassin, Rotary, November 2023: 56)
In Rotary,
Olabisi Gwamna, PhD
Mount Pleasant Rotary
Editor, Foundation Minute
No new Wild Polio cases reported this week. We are now 5 weeks since the most recent reported Wild Polio Case - in Sindh, Pakistan.
Charity Navigator rewards the Rotary Foundation with their top -
Four Star Rating for the 15th year in a row!
No wonder that The Rotary Foundation remains the first choice charity for people all over the globe. Our contributions to The Rotary Foundation in the last Rotary year totaled more than US$427 million. These have helped fund more than 1,100 global grants, 470 district grants, and 310 disaster response grants. Our communities and the citizens of the world are benefiting through sustainable, life-changing projects. Continued contributions in this Rotary year will help us continue to "Create Hope in the World."
Total Wild Polio cases
Year-to-date 2023
- in endemic countries:
- in post-endemic countries:
2023 Wild Polio Case Total 10 - Afghanistan 6, Pakistan 4
2022 Vaccine Derived Polio Cases – 912 in 25 Countries
2023 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Case Total - 348 Benin - 3, Burkina Faso - 2, Burundi - 1, Central African Republic - 13, Chad - 37, Cote d' Ivoire - 5, DR Congo - 182, Guinea - 7, Indonesia - 3, Israel - 1, Kenya - 8, Madagascar - 23, Mali - 9, Mozambique - 3, Nigeria - 35, Somalia - 4, Tanzania - 2, Yemen - 3, Zambia - 1.
2022 Circulating Vaccine Derived Polio Case Total - 912 Afghanistan - 43, Algeria - 3, Benin - 11 , Burundi - 1, Cameroon - 3, Central African Republic - 6, Chad -44, DR Congo - 507, Republic of Congo - 1, Eritrea - 1, Ethiopia - 1, Ghana - 3, Indonesia - 1, Israel - 1, Madagascar - 14, Malawi - 4, Mali - 2, Mozambique - 22, Niger - 16, Nigeria - 48, Pakistan - 8, Somalia - 5, Sudan - 1, Togo - 2, United States - 1, Yemen - 162.
New Polio Cases & Samples reported this week -
Cameroon: one cVDPV2-positive environmental sample
Central African Republic: one cVDPV2 case
Chad: two cVDPV2-positive environmental samples
DR Congo: one cVDPV1 case and three cVDPV2 cases
Kenya: two cVDPV2 cases
Nigeria: nine cVDPV2 cases and one positive environmental sample
Somalia: one cVDPV2 case
Quote of the Day - "It's better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all you life." - Elizabeth Kenny, Australian Bush Nurse and Polio Treatment Pioneer, 1880-1952
The Final Two Polio Endemic Countries:
Pakistan No new Wild Polio cases reported this week. Four Wild Polio cases reported in 2023. Twenty Wild Polio cases reported in 2022. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 10/01/23. No WPV1 Samples and no cVDPV2 Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Pakistan.
Afghanistan No new Wild Polio case reported this week. Six Wild Polio cases reported in 2023 - all from the Nangarhar Province. Two Wild Polio Cases reported in 2022. The most recent case had an onset of paralysis on 9/24/23. No WPV1 Samples and no cVDPV2 Positive Environmental Samples were reported this week in Afghanistan.
Advocate, Donate & Educate to END POLIO NOW & FOREVER!
20,500,000 Children Saved from the Paralysis of Polio
Our Goal is Global Polio Eradication!!
Terry Ziegler, Polio Update Newsletter Editor
Rotary Region 36 END POLIO NOW Coordinator 2024-27
Also note that if your spouse/partner are both members of our club, you are getting 2 copies of the Rotary Magazine, that will change effective January 1, 2021 to where your household will only receive 1 copy now.